1982 One of the early and rare live appearences
of P16.D4 at "Alte Mensa" Mainz. Schönauer (vocals) and Wehowsky
Since 1981 PD (Joachim Stender pursued the project for a short time
under the old name) was called P16.D4 and "Wahrnehmungen" the label,
became SELEKTION. Today's highly developed industrial societies
are depending increasingly on systems producing, selecting and chanelling
all available information to maintain control. This controlling
activity is mainly exerted by institutionalized media, which create
signs and symbols, equipe them with sense, select them and, at last,
establish conventions. This does not mean social control as selectivity
is a matter of pure chance, but rather that it is subject to certain
regularities and control processes. Lots of the signals/informations
surrounding us will not be perceived, because they don't fit into
the conventional patterns of perception. Unexplainable, not immediately
interpretable events will be selected and marginalized. Therefore
the purpose of SELEKTION's activities is to raise such marginalized
signals to the status of perception. We try to emphasize alternative
structures of selectivity, x-ray the routine of perception and leave
the security of the usual paths. Hence it seems more succesful to
explore the possibilities of noise, i.e. "non-musical" materials
with "non-musical" techniques than to wave the banner of "music".
Which doesn't mean to abandon the enormous possibilites that rock/jazz/classical
music supplies as an element amongst others.
(SELEKTION catalogue 1983)