releases : |
actual releases
CDs : |
Ralf Wehowsky/Kevin Drumm : cases - SCD 030 |
concrete realized 1999/2000 in Chicago and Mainz
Kevin Drumm: guitar & devices
Ralf Wehowsky: electronics, edits & composition
case A: 17:49
case B: 15:14
Total playing time 33:21
Cardboard sleeve, design Charly Steiger |
TMRX : difficulté de comprendre dans le bruit - SHS 006 |
during 1996-2000 by Arnaud Jacobs
Orignial recording made in Italy, France, Belgium and Germany during 1994-1996,
edited and mastered during Fall/Winter of 2000.
A startling combination of field recordings and processings which mutually
transform and develop: a sound track of the real" in a way,
which subcutaneously shifts the symbolic reference between inside (the
listeners space) and an imaginary outside.
In depth information about this release can be found at
Total playing time: 47:47
Cardboard sleeve, design Charly Steiger with photos by Tristan Wibault
ory-perception, is bound up within the world as part of the processes
which define subjectivity and through which subjectivity understands itself
in relation to things."
Kozo Inada : c[ ] - SHS 007 |
of my music is ruled by one philosophy. The best way for me to create
my music is to ignore all conscious sensory input, which places me in
a type of subconscious realm with stillness and motion, giving me a feeling
of harmony without perception. Through my music I express and hide all
of the elements that bring about this feeling. This sounds like a contradiction,
but there is a niche for us to enter where this fine balance exists. After
you discover this niche, you will identify a feeling that can totally
devastate you afterwards. The feeling I get at that moment comes form
an inorganic energy, which controls all things. With the aim if expressing
this feeling, I use symbolic and realistic sounds, which are very different
from each other, while maintaining harmony. With a computer, utilizing
natural rules, I continuously strive to make music that produces a perfect
audio stream that will carry the listnener to this place of harmony"
Kozo Inada
Total playing time 51:51
Cardboard sleeve, design Charly Steiger
Brandon Labelle : Shadow of a shadow - SHS 008 |
is always undermining its own systemization, signifying more than a one
to one relation. Rather, a multiplicity of connotations appear with sound
and are amplified within its wave: conversations are set in motion between
the sounds I make and the sounds already occuring, between the cultural
work and the real, between listening and responding. This conversation fluctuates
in the slippery fold of meaning, in the agitated space of the real, making
it uncertain where one sound orginates and the others fade out, where public
space starts and private impulse ends, where music is heard and interference
disrupts" Brandon Labelle.
total playing time 46:31
Leporello with a text by Brandon Labelle
Cardboard sleeve, design Charly Steiger |
bhop rainey/greg kelley : nmperign- SHS 009 |
accidental nature of the fragile ecology that sustains this tenuous constellation
- already under great stress under normal circumstances (perhaps even thriving
it) - would not necessarily survive a reconfiguration of its constituente
parts, or even an assimilation into existing systems of arts production
and dissemination. It is in this context that nmperign war born, and that
you find the latest jewel of their music." Maria Klein
total playing time 43:14
Leporello with a text by Maria Klein
Cardboard sleeve, design Charly Steiger |
Books : |
Achim Wollscheid: resolving interactions |

Achim Wollscheid: „resolving interactions: the Frankfurt lawcourt projects"
During a period of 7 years Achim Wollscheid developed several concepts for a computer-based interactive installation in the lawcourt Frankfurt a.m. (Germany). The book documents considerations and the work’s progress which developed between the architectural, social, bureaucratical, technical and artistical systems and shows the result finally realised in 2001.
Besides the chronicle of events the book contains a text by the artist: „interaction", in which Wollscheid dicusses the significance of an artistic concept, which is both integrated and directed toward social transformation.
Achim Wollscheid: resolving interactions
designed by Charly Steiger
80 pgs
ISBN 3-934801-02-1
Also out now, a series documentated radio experiments
on cassette (to be continued...) : |
AW: Der freie Fall (document of a radio experiment)
SC 001
AW: Ambivalenz und Askese (on noise w. German/English
text) SC 002
AW: Der gefaßte Raum (on Japanese noise music)
(Some knowledge of German required unless you just want to enjoy the sonic
side of all of that...) SC 003
And : |
Charly Steiger: Licht/light catalogue documenting her works with
light - 90p, full color, w texts, German/English. Delicate |